Our Complaints Procedure

We make every effort to provide the best possible service during the length of your contract. Nonetheless, in the event that something goes wrong and you would want to file a complaint, we will look into the matter and, if feasible, try to resolve the problem right away.

We welcome criticism and are always trying to get better. Still, we would be happy to rectify any customer’s dissatisfaction with any aspect of our service.

While we hope that you won’t need to proceed past the first stage if the outcome doesn’t satisfy you, we recognize that in extremely unusual cases you might have to make your case. We provide our clients a free and unbiased complaint service. Complaining consumers will receive courteous and respectful treatment.

Step 1
Any declaration of displeasure with the service that Polar Utilities receives is considered a complaint. You can file a complaint via phone, email, or via post. Kindly elaborate on the grounds for your complaint and the desired result you hope to achieve. Copies of every complaint we receive are kept on file.

By phone : 0208 123 7281
By Email: info@polarutilities.com 
By mail: 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom

Step 2

We’ll send you a notice of complaint, either in writing or electronically, no later than five business days after receipt, indicating who will be in charge of handling the complaint on behalf of the business. As far as possible, this person will not be directly involved with the matter that is the subject matter of the complaint and will have the authority to resolve the complaint.

Step 3

Within two weeks of receiving a complaint we will send you either:

  • Final response which adequately addresses the complaint; or
  • A holding response, which explains why we are not yet able to resolve the complaint and indicates when we will make further contact with you.
  • If we do not hear from you within a timescale of 7 days after issuing our final response, we will assume you are satisfied with the outcome.

Step 4

If you’re not happy with our final answer, please let us know and we’ll work with you to come up with another answer, but since we don’t have any new evidence or any significant holes in our analysis, it’s unlikely to affect the outcome of our inquiry.

Step 5

We will provide you with a final reply that addresses the complaint within 8 weeks of receipt of a complaint.

Step 6

If you are unhappy with our final response, you may use Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) using Ofgem who will seek to help you. You can also use this service in the unlikely event that the complaint has not been resolved within eight weeks of submission.

Their website is https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/energy-brokers and it provides more information about the service they provide and the various ways they can be contacted. The ADR scheme is impartial and free to use.

We are not responsible for the content on their website.